Parish Commissions

Parish Council

The Parish Council works with Fr. Barry to consult on issues of interest to the parish. The Parish Council meets on the third Tuesday of odd-numbered months, for about 90 minutes. Between meetings, council members follow up on previous meeting topics, engage with parishioners and prepare for the next meeting.

Current Parish Council Members:
Mike Arens, Steve Bean, Joel Brown, Christopher Calpin, Russ Clark, Lindsey Coffield, Georgina Cotton, Kim Drefcinski, Renee Fischer, Jennifer Hambly, Dan Hummel, Jennifer Naylor, Barb Stefl

Finance Commission

Finance Commission monitors the financial health of the parish.   The members assist Bob Keever, Business Manager, in the development of an annual budget and in long-range financial planning.

Current Finance Commission Members:
Thomas Curtin, Richard Eck, John Kendall, Jonathan Koopman, Brian Kraft, Josh Olson

School Commission

The purpose of the School Commission is to advise and collaborate with school administrators and the pastor about issues related to the quality and mission of the school. The School Commission's strategic objectives include supporting the academic mission of St. Susanna School; identifying and addressing the needs of the school and parish community; maintaining and improving school facilities; improving communication with current and prospective school families; and promoting the overall mental, physical, and emotional health of students. The School Commission currently consists of eleven members and is comprised of three strategic committees including: Academics, Communication and Marketing, and Wellness. School Commission typically meets the 2nd Monday of each month from 6:30-8:30pm.

Current School Commission Members:
Lauren Ammon, Erik Baltser, Lauren Brandner, Jenna Downey, James Fortman, Ben Huffman, KC Krumeich, Mike Melchers, Juliana Moeller, Jennifer Naylor, Tony Schiml

Want to join the School Commission?

The discernment process for new members generally begins in the spring, with interviews occurring at the School Commission’s April meeting. Potential candidates are always asked for a copy of their most recent resume as well as responses to the following questions:

  • Why are you interested in becoming a member of the School Commission?
  • What relevant skills or background would you bring to the commission?
  • Describe your experience with Catholic Education.
  • What do you feel are the strengths and opportunities of St. Susanna School?
  • In what other ways have you volunteered in the school and parish?

If you are interested in being considered for a School Commission position, applications are typically accepted in March/April for three-year terms starting in August of the following school year.  Please consider becoming a member of this ministry; it is a rewarding opportunity to serve our school and parish community.

If you have any questions or comments for the School Commission, the current Chair, Jenna Downey, can be reached at

Worship Commission

Worship Commission assesses and evaluates the liturgical life and ministries of the parish in accordance with the documents of Vatican Council II and the leadership of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. This commission promotes active participation of the faithful and directs liturgical style, the training of liturgical ministers, the work of the sacristan and the suitability of the liturgical environment.