Adult Faith Formation

Couples Night

All married and engaged couples are invited to joins us on Friday, February 28th, at 7:00pm in the Meyer Center for food, wine, fellowship and marriage enrichment.

Many couples – even those married for decades – want to learn to pray better together. Dan and Debbie Staresinic, St. Susanna parishioners and authors of Icon of Love, will guide us in discovering the power of the Rosary, the unique beauty of marriage, and the special grace available to married couples when they pray together.

The cost of the evening is $25 per couple.

Click here to pay online.

To pay via cash/check: Please put payment in an envelope marked “Couples Night” and brought to the Parish Office. Checks should be made out to St. Susanna with “Couples Night” on the memo line.

For questions, contact Stephanie Calpin at

Adult Faith Classes

Current Opportunities

The Cana Experience

The Cana Experience is specifically designed for parents of young children, to help them live their vocation to marriage and parenthood in all its fullness.

Learn More


CRHP is a weekend experience designed to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus and with others. Renewal weekends are held at St. Susanna once a year for the men and the women.

Learn More

Sunday Café

Dig deeper into a variety of Catholic topics with friends, food and coffee!  Adults are welcome to join us on Sundays after the 9:30am Mass in the St. Susanna Room. No fee or registration needed.