Steward & Giving

Ways To Give

Here are some easy ways to support our church.

Give Online

Give using a debit/credit card or checking account.  Instructions below for both one-time and repeating gifts.


You’re more than welcome to mail your gift to us directly, via check (payable to St. Susanna Parish) or in your provided giving envelope. Please then place your check or giving envelope in a secure envelope to mail. Mailing Address:

St. Susanna Parish 
Attn: Jodi Tucker
616 Reading Road
Mason, Ohio 45040

Support Us

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:7-8

St. Susanna Parish recognizes that there is a need for a consistent development component to ensure the long-term mission of the parish. Our development efforts concentrate on establishing resources, involving parishioners and providing processes that enable our parish to plan for an exciting future as we move forward in building God’s reign. Your help is needed in order to further the long-term mission of the parish.

Contributions to the offering are used to offset the costs associated with day-to-day operations of St. Susanna Parish and its programs. These costs include payroll, maintenance and cleaning of buildings, utilities, and supplies. Additionally, your contribution will benefit our sacramental preparation services, liturgical programs, and Religious Education programs.

Parish members are encouraged to set up an account and manage their contributions. You will have complete control over your contribution amount and frequency of payments. Thank you for your investment and continued support of our parish.

Capital Improvements: Repairs and Special Projects

In your monthly packet, you have a new envelope for Capital Improvements: Repairs and Special Projects. The purpose of this envelope is to accumulate funds to pay for extremely critical infrastructure needs for the church and school campus. We are asking all parishioners to prayerfully consider donating for these very critical needs to keep our facilities and property in good condition.

During the month of December, $13,811 in donations were received! The current account balance is $153,044!

Friends of St. Susanna Parish School Fund

We believe that the school helps keep our parish community growing and vibrant. The St. Susanna School Commission has set up a designated fund, the Friends of St. Susanna Parish School Fund (F0SS), at the Northern Cincinnati Foundation to accept donations in support of our school!  This fund will accept charitable donations and company matching donations. All donations will be used ONLY for School and Booster projects.

All are welcome to contribute!  We encourage parishioners, alumni, friends and families and all who believe in and wish to support our mission to give to this charitable fund.  Every gift is appreciated and will be helpful to reaching our goals! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to

Annual Financial Reports

St. Susanna Report to the Parish for the Fiscal Year Ending: