1st Reconciliation
& 1st Communion
We look forward to walking with you in this year of preparation! We are born with an innate hunger for God. He created us so we can live in His divine presence forever. In Holy Communion we experience an intimate divine presence as we are united to God in a special way through His Son, Jesus Christ. This is a foretaste of the union that will happen in heaven!
- Two consecutive years of Catholic education in 1st and 2nd grades* are required prior to receiving First Communion and First Reconciliation. The required Catholic education may be through parish religious education classes or at a Catholic school.
- All children must have celebrated the Sacrament of Baptism. If your child was not baptized at St. Susanna, an official copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate is needed before First Reconciliation.
- Parent/Student participation in First Reconciliation and First Communion meetings and retreats.
- Regular worship at Sunday Mass. Cultivating a commitment of attending Sunday Mass is the best preparation parents can do in helping children prepare for the sacraments. The Mass calls us to be disciples of Jesus Christ, nourishes us for that task, and then sends us forth to practice our faith in the coming week.
- Families need to be attending Mass regularly, mentor their children within the faith by praying together and reviewing lessons together. Please make sure you are registered at the parish as well.
- Preparation generally takes place in the 2nd grade year. Older children can be prepared as well, but they will be prepared through a different program.
*If for any reason your child missed the 1st grade preparation year, or if your child missed the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Communion in 2nd grade, please email Chloé Fasano at fasanoc@stsusanna.org so that we can determine the best plan of action for your individual situation.