
Confirmation Retreat

Saturday, February 1st from 9:00am-1:00pm
at the Meyer Center

** Lunch will be provided. Please note any allergies and/or dietary restrictions on your registration form. **

If you have not yet done so this year, please be sure to fill out the 24-25 Youth Ministry waiver in addition to the Confirmation Retreat registration form.

Confirmation Preparation Timeline and Process

Confirmation is a sacrament of Christian initiation that "confirms" our baptism, and fills us with the Holy Spirit. Through this sacrament, we are given gifts and grace to more perfectly live as Christ's disciples in the world.

Please contact Shayne Reno ( for more details regarding registration and preparation.

Candidates submit a letter to the Pastor stating their desire to be confirmed. This letter is a description of their personal faith journey, and why they would like to be confirmed at this time.

Click here for the discernment letter template for details.

After the Pastor receives a letter of discernment, a brief (5-10 minute) meeting will be scheduled with one of the priests. This conversation is an opportunity for the priests to meet with our candidates and families face to face, to discuss some more specifics about the sacrament of Confirmation/process, and answer any questions our candidates may have.

Parents will be asked to attend a more in depth informational parent meeting in August, where they will receive scheduling information for either our morning or evening session, as well as the necessary paperwork for the year. Following attendance at a parent meeting, families will receive instructions and a link for online registration.

There will be a total of 6 monthly Confirmation sessions from September 2024-March 2025. Attendance at these formation meetings is required for both candidates and at least one parent (or sponsor). There will be a morning session (10:45am-12pm) and an evening session (6:30-7:45pm) offered, all session meetings will be held on Sundays in the Meyer Center.

Confirmation Masses are scheduled for Sunday March 16th, 2025 and Sunday March 23rd, 2025 at 6:30pm. You will be assigned a Mass date following your official registration in the program.

Confirmation Program Schedule 2024-2025

Fall 2024
  • August 25th: Confirmation Parent Meetings @ 10:45am AND 7:00pm (St. Susanna Room)
  • August 28th: Confirmation Parent Meeting @ 6:30pm (St. Susanna Room)
  • September 22nd: Session #1 @ 6:30-7:45pm  (Meyer Center)
  • October 13th: Session #2 @ 6:30-7:45pm (Meyer Center)
  • October 20th: Session #2 @ 10:45am-12:00pm (Meyer Center)
  • November 10th: Session #3 @ 6:30-7:45pm (Meyer Center)
  • November 17th: Session #3 @ 10:45am-12:00pm (Meyer Center)
  • December 8th: Session #4 @ 6:30-7:45pm (Meyer Center)
  • December 15th: Session #4 @ 10:45am-12:00pm (Meyer Center)
Winter 2025
  • January 12th: Session #5 @ 6:30-7:45pm (Meyer Center)
  • January 19th: Session #5 @ 10:45am-12:00pm (Meyer Center)
  • February 1st: Confirmation Retreat @ 9:00am-1:00pm (Meyer Center)
  • February 9th: Make-up Session @ 10:45-11:45am (Meyer Center)
  • February 23rd: Session #6 @ 10:45am-12:00pm (Meyer Center)
  • March 4th: Make-up Session @ 6:30-7:45pm (Meyer Center)
  • March 9th: Session #6 @ 6:30-7:45pm (Meyer Center)
  • March 11th: Rehearsal for Mass #1 @ 6:30-7:30pm  (Church)
  • March 16th: Confirmation Mass #1 @ 6:30pm (Church)
  • March 18th: Rehearsal for Mass #2 @ 6:30-7:30pm (Church)
  • March 23rd: Confirmation Mass #2 @ 6:30pm (Church)

Confirmation FAQs

What happens in the sacrament of Confirmation?

According to Canon Law, “The sacrament of confirmation impresses a character and by it the baptized, continuing on the path of Christian initiation, are enriched by the gift of the Holy Spirit and bound more perfectly to the church; it strengthens them and obliges them more firmly to be witnesses to Christ by word and deed and to spread and defend the faith.” (Canon 879)

Why is the Parish taking responsibility for Sacramental Formation? Isn’t that the responsibility of F3 or the School?

Christian Initiation takes place in the Parish, the faith community into which we are initiated. While the continual catechesis received in the classroom is the foundation for this preparation, religious education during the time of sacramental formation must facilitate opportunities for candidates to deepen their relationship with Christ, and grow to more active participation in the life of His Church.

“Since Confirmation is a sacrament of initiation into the Church, the focus of all catechetical efforts must be aimed at incorporation into the Eucharistic community. This kind of focus will call for an approach that goes beyond instruction in the doctrines of the faith.” (AOC Sacraments for Young People pg. 38)

Does the Confirmation Program replace F3 or School religion class?

No. Sacramental preparation must be accompanied by age-appropriate religious education.

“It is assumed that the candidates have been and will continue to be involved in on-going catechesis. Immediate preparation for Confirmation is one part of the on-going growth in faith that should be part of the lives of the young Candidates.” (AOC Sacraments for Young People pg. 39)

Your child will need to have completed at least two consecutive years prior of religious education to participate in the parish Confirmation program. If you currently do not meet this requirement, please contact the Parish Office and we will help you find the right program fit for your family.

What if I can’t make a session?

While we believe that this time of preparation is an opportunity to underscore the importance and commitment of the Catholic faith in the lives of our candidates, we understand that circumstances may arise that keep them from attending one of our sessions. These will be handled by the Confirmation Director on a case by case basis, but there will be multiple make-up sessions offered for those impacted, throughout the year.

Why do we need to meet with the the priests for Confirmation?

A conversation with the priest is an important part of our discernment process. It gives them a chance to meet your family and make a connection. It is also a great time to discuss any questions you may have concerning the preparation process or the sacrament itself.

Why are parents so involved in Confirmation Preparation?

At a child’s baptism, parents make a solemn promise to be the first teachers of the faith, to bring their children up according to the law of Christ and the Church. It is the duty and the privilege of parenthood to model and pass on faith to their children, supported by the Church.

Who will be in my small group?

We understand how awkward small groups can be, and our goal is to make our meetings as effective as possible. During the registration process we will ask for some names of other candidates that your child would feel comfortable opening up to. This is not a guarantee that every name will be in your small group, but it will serve as an aid as we seek to create groups that will be able to engage in meaningful conversation at each session.

Who should I choose as a sponsor?

The qualifications for a Confirmation sponsor according to (Canon 874) are:

  1. The sponsor must be at least sixteen years of age.
  2. The sponsor must be a Catholic who has received Confirmation and Eucharist and is practicing the faith.
  3. The sponsor must not be bound by any canonical penalty (e.g., May not be divorced and remarried without an annulment).
  4. The sponsor may not be the father or mother of the one to be confirmed.

It should be kept in mind that a sponsor should be willing to share his/her faith in God and accompany the candidate in searching for God in his/her own life. A sponsor should also be able to serve as a mentor, by regularly spending time with the candidate. (AOC Sacraments for Young People pg. 40)

The sponsor will need to complete an affidavit to affirm their eligibility to serve as a representative of the Church community. Return to the St. Susanna Parish Office, Attn: Shayne Reno.

What if a child is not in the 8th grade but I want them to prepare?

While 8th grade is the typical age for preparation for Confirmation at St. Susanna, it is more a question of readiness than grade. Discernment of readiness is done collaboratively by the child, their family and the pastoral team. On a case by case basis, children as young as 12 years old are eligible to join the Confirmation program at St. Susanna. Please contact the Confirmation Director for more details.

Who should I contact with questions regarding Confirmation formation at St. Susanna?

All questions and concerns regarding Confirmation preparation should be directed to Director of Confirmation Shayne Reno ( 513-398-3821 x 3146 or ).