Pray the Rosary with OLPH in Uganda!
On Sundays during Lent, everyone is invited to pray the Rosary following the 9:30am Mass (we will begin at approximately 10:45am), with special intentions for our Ugandan Family of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish (OLPH). Parishioners from OLPH will join us virtually.
For those who would like to participate from home, please click the button below.
FON Twinning Ministry Lenten Endeavor
This Lenten season, the FON Twinning Ministry invites you to reach out to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) in Mbarara, Uganda, by participating in efforts to raise funds to complete the construction of the Pastoral Center for use by the Archdiocese of Mbarara. It will be located near OLPH Nyamitanga – St. Susanna’s Twinning Parish.
The Archdiocese of Mbarara has been working on the development of the Pastoral Center for many years. Archbishop Lambert and Father Richard have asked if our parish could assist in funding the construction costs. The estimated cost is $50,000. The Pastoral Center will serve the men, women, and youth of the Archdiocese. Meetings and retreats can be held here, along with accommodations for overnight guests. If there are excess funds, they will be allocated at the discretion of the FON Twinning Ministry and OLPH Parish.
Options for Giving:
Checks made payable to St. Susanna Parish with “FON Lenten Giving” on the memo line. Place the check in an envelope clearly marked “FON Lenten Giving” and drop off at the Parish Office or in the Mass offering basket.
Online donation through St. Susanna’s online giving site: If you have an account set up, login. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one.
Cash/Check Donations can be dropped off in the Gathering Space during Collection Weekend: April 12th/13th.
Begin a pen pal relationship with families of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH)!
Our Mission Statement
To build meaningful relationships between the communities of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) – Nyamitanga, Uganda and St. Susanna, USA to deepen our faith and learn better ways to unite with God while serving each other.
If you wish to get involved with this ministry, please contact: Ricky Mathews at 513-755-7645 or
Friends of Nyamitanga Parish FAQs
A Twinning Relationship between parishes is a sharing of the life and love for Jesus while building God’s reign. We are the body of Christ. Christ is present in all peoples. A Twinning Relationship includes two parishes from different parts of the world coming together in a faith commitment of solidarity. It binds people together in spirit and culturally in the sharing of resources. We do it:
• For unity
• To promote solidarity
• To appreciate the universality of the church
• As part of being the laity in mission for the church
• To emphasize parish life
• To engage with and learn about people of another culture
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish is Fr. Elias Mwesigye’s home parish located in the Archdiocese of Nyamitanga, Uganda. Our Lady of Perpetual Help was founded in 1902. It includes 20 out-stations served by only two priests and 20 catechists for a Catholic population of 24,000 people in 5,600 families. Fr. Richard Ssebugwawo is the Pastor. It is good for the people of St Susanna to twin with the people of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. We share many similarities:
• We both have a strong faith
• We both have a strong worship style
• We both have a mutual desire for a twinning relationship
Parishioners at St. Susanna learned that the parishioners at Our Lady of Perpetual Help were struggling with food insecurity. St. Susanna parishioners supported this need and raised enough money to send enough corn flour and beans to serve over 2,000 families during the COVID-19 pandemic.
• Sharing faith journey between members of the two parishes
• Planning Mission trips for both young people and adults to share life experiences with other cultures
• Support the catechist as they support the spiritual needs of their community and the needs of their own families
• Provision of clean water where possible
• Education fund (tuition assistance from individuals & families here)
• Provision of educational materials
• Other projects that may be identified in the local community
Twinning Prayer
Gracious God,
We give You thanks for the universal Church and we rejoice in the diversity of Your people. Unite us, the people of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Susanna, in the mission to draw us all closer to You. May we engage with each other physically and spiritually on this journey, as we grow and learn about each other.
We humbly ask the Holy Spirit to empower us with the Spirit of Your love and enlighten us in this joint endeavor. Grant us strength and courage as we serve each other and You.
We ask this in the name of Jesus and through the intercession of Mary, our Mother.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.
St. Susanna, pray for us.