
The Clergy and Bereavement Ministers of St. Susanna Parish offer our condolences to you and your family at this difficult time. We also assure you of our prayers and support. This information is intended to assist you with the preparations for the Funeral Mass of your loved. Members of the St. Susanna Bereavement Ministry will meet with you to ensure all the details of the Mass are properly arranged.

Please contact the Stephanie Calpin at 513-398-3821, ext. 3102 or, to schedule an appointment.

The purpose of a Funeral Mass is to create hope, even through the pain of loss. We proclaim the saving work of Jesus Christ so that you can take comfort that your loved one is saved through Christ and is one with God in heaven. Our focus  remains on the Lord. At the same time, we wish to celebrate the life of your loved one. We would like to help you shape this prayer experience so that you may commend your loved one to God in an appropriate manner.

This 5-minute video entitled, The Real Purpose of Funerals by Father Mike Schmitz is a wonderful resource before you begin planning a Funeral Mass.

Planning A Funeral Mass

Please download and print the Funeral Mass Planning Worksheet then complete as much as you are able using the information provided for you below.

Selecting Scripture

Our Bereavement Ministers will meet with you to discuss and finalize your Scripture selections and Mass hymns. If you wish to start pre-planning before the meeting, this website contains the most often chosen Scripture passages. It does not contain all the options. If a wider selection is needed, our Bereavement Ministers will be happy to assist you.

You will need to select ONE First Reading, ONE Responsorial Psalm, ONE Second Reading, and ONE Gospel Reading.

FIRST READING:  Please select your First Reading from the Old Testament. A selection of Old Testament readings are provided HERE.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM:  The Responsorial Psalm follows the First Reading, and is sung by the Cantor. The choices are provided HERE.

SECOND READING:  Please select your Second Reading from the New Testament. A selection of New Testament readings are provided HERE.

GOSPEL READING:  The final selection in the Liturgy of the Word is the Gospel Reading.  The Gospel contains the good news of our salvation and will be read by the Clergy. A selection of Gospel Readings are provided HERE.

Choosing Lectors

The person reading the Scripture is a Lector. At Mass, the Gospel is always proclaimed by a Priest or Deacon. The Responsorial Psalm is always sung by a Cantor. Please select your Lectors to assist with the following Readings:

  • ONE Lector for the First Reading
  • ONE Lector for the Second Reading
  • ONE Lector for your Mass Intentions (Prayers of the Faithful)

You may use the same Lector for all three Readings. A good Lector is a person who is practiced at, or at least comfortable with, public reading.  If you cannot name appropriate Lectors, the Parish’s Bereavement Ministry will supply them for you.

Selecting Hymns

Once the Scriptures are chosen, it can guide you in selecting the hymns for the Mass. Often the hymns and Scriptures reflect the same theme and use the same images. The entire Mass, then, makes your statement of hope in Christ.

OPENING HYMN: An Opening Hymn is sung and should be one inspiring hope. The Opening Hymn is congregational; that is, everyone gathered together makes this act of faith in song.  Our recommendations for Opening Hymns are provided HERE.

OFFERTORY HYMN:  The Liturgy of the Eucharist begins with the Offertory. This is when the gifts (bread and wine) are taken to and prepared at the altar.  An Offertory Hymn is recommended during this time. Normally, the Offertory Hymn is sung by the Cantor and Congregation. The most often used Offertory Hymns are provided HERE.

COMMUNION HYMN:  A Communion Hymn will be played during the distribution of Communion. This song should refer to the reception of the Lord in Eucharist.  The most common Communion Hymns are provided HERE.

RECESSIONAL/CLOSING HYMN: The Recessional Hymn is played at the end of the service as the Clergy conclude Mass and process from the main church. This hymn is sung by the Cantor and Congregation. Please select the final Recessional/Closing Hymn from our recommendations provided HERE.

Funeral Fee

Payment for a Funeral at St. Susanna is requested ahead of the scheduled service. The fee is $300.00.