The Sacrament of Matrimony
Congratulations on your recent engagement! Your wedding at St. Susanna will be a special moment of grace in your lives. I think you will agree that the Sacrament of Marriage is an important part of your lives as Christians and members of the Catholic Church.
So, now begins your preparation, not only for the big day of your wedding, but also for the rest of your lives together. Getting married in the Catholic Church requires serious preparation. We are here to help you along the way. On our website you will find links to begin. Please fill out the request form and we will contact you for an appointment with one of our priests.
Marriage Prep TO DO List
The following are required for your marriage preparation at St. Susanna:
- Introductory meeting with parish priest.
- Complete Fully Engaged online questionnaire (You will receive an email with instructions.)
- Attend meetings with Mentor Couple after completing online questionnaire (Mentor Couple will contact you to schedule 3-4 meetings.)
- Attend meetings with Priest or Deacon (Intro meeting-discuss spiritual issues-service planning meeting)
- Attend Pre-Cana retreat through the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Sign up online
- Attend Natural Family Planning (NFP) class in person with parishioner, Sara Cole (317-645-3947) OR online through The Couple to Couple League or
- Watch the video Green Sex
- Meet with Music Director, Luke Mayernik (513-398-3821, ext. 3105 or NOTE: only meet with Luke if your wedding service is AT St. Susanna.
- Have dinner with Mentor Couple and Priest or Deacon
- Attend Mass regularly each week (with Mentor Couple when possible)
- Review Wedding Guidelines booklet (if wedding is at St. Susanna)
- Recommend receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation before your wedding day
- Have final meeting with Priest or Deacon to go over specific plans for the wedding Mass or Service
- Complete Wedding Liturgy Planning Worksheet if wedding is at St. Susanna.
Wedding Fees
Payment for a wedding at St. Susanna is due two weeks ahead of the scheduled service. This fee will vary based on the following:
• $500 Prep and Wedding at St. Susanna
• $375 Wedding only at St. Susanna
• $125 Prep only at St. Susanna